Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tours Preview for 2009 TDF

We are looking at some early information that says Mont Ventoux will be on the 2009 Tour route - FINALLLY! We are holding tight to the dates and so on we have pieced together for now, but we are looking to propose 4 tours because of the way the route will go. Each of these tours will be small groups, supported, guided, and affordable! We hope to cover more of the race this way without killing everyone in the process. The route we see makes this manageable. Here is a brief outline of our plans:

Week 1 - Opening of the TDF in Monte Carlo
We'll offer a trip here for the start and then move on to the Provence/Languedoc area. We believe that with a start in the sunny and beautiful French Riviera region we will have more interest. That as opposed to more traditional starts and a first week over flat and relatively less attractive ride routes.

Week 2 - Stay in the South of France, maybe cross over into Spain and the Pyrenees

Week 3 - 2 tours; one starting from the French Pyrenees and one starting in the French Alpes and both converging at Mont Ventoux before going to Paris.

Minimum group sizes will be 6 persons, max group size 12. A number of private groups and past travelers are already in line for what we are working on. Lance Armstrong has given a boost - of course - to the race and more people are relooking at coming to France in 09!


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