Sunday, July 4, 2010

Eating & Le Tour Start

Le Tour commence! The Tour de France begins! And what a great beginning it was. Lance looked strong, and I don't think I'm the only one who got pleasure from him beating Alberto Contador either! Right now, we're still watching the Tour on television, which is interesting, as, of course, it's in french. It's still exciting, and i still watch every second, but I'd be lying if I said I don't miss Phil, Paul, and all the Bob Rollisms. Riders on our VIP tours get to hang out with media covering the Tour one afternoon; I'm hoping we'll get to say 'hello' to the VS TV gang.

What's also begun is the return of getting to eat amazing French food.
I don't know what it is, but the French can take a few simple ingredients and make them into food that is really special. Who am I kidding? I think they just use a lot of BEURRE (butter. everything is, and should be, a butter delivery system). Of course, it's more than
that: Even at my little traditional family hotel in Lunel-Viel, I see the owners bringing in fresh bread and vegetables and meats every day.
I certainly do my part, by cleaning my plate every night! And one more
thing: Why don't restauants in America bring you hot milk for your hot coffee like they do here? I'd been looking forward to that for weeks before I got on the plane. Not disappointed.

Follow me on twitter for 140 letter updates at cyclefrance.

Ciao for now.

p.s. GO LANCE!

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